Chasse Consulting: Sales Strategies, Inc., a leading provider of sales performance and translation consulting services, is pleased to announce that we are Finalists for the Ethics in Business & Community Award.
The award, presented by RecognizeGood, showcases businesses and organizations for ethical standards and community contributions. The 14th Annual Ethics in Business & Community Awards recognizes the best in Central Texas leadership. All nominees were vetted by the students of the College of Business at Concordia University Texas and narrowed down to 15 finalists. Next, the students will begin a rigorous, in-depth review of each finalist and present their findings to an independent selection committee of business and community leaders to vote on the final award recipients. The selection committee is led by Dr. Lynette Gillis, Dean of the College of Business at Concordia University Texas.
“The Ethics in Business & Community awards program is truly an exceptional educational experience,” Gillis said, praising the program and its impact on her students. “Our students have the opportunity to witness firsthand a community that comes together to support and celebrate the ethical business practices of honesty, fairness, respect, social justice, and sustainability.”
The Ethics in Business & Community Awards recognizes business of all sizes for devoting their time, talent and resources to strengthen and transform the local area through organizational philanthropy. As RecognizeGood admits, the real winners are the community.
More event information can be found at
About RecognizeGood:
RecognizeGood: THE Foundation is a local nonprofit that provides a means for individuals, businesses and other nonprofits to illuminate selfless volunteers, charitable acts and community service throughout the greater Austin area. There are several active RecognizeGood programs that work toward this mission from different angles, but the common theme is simple – the illumination of GOOD in our community. Their mission is to elevate the spirit of community by catalyzing a movement of good deeds and unselfish charity through recognizing, rewarding and promoting good in our businesses and the communities in which they reside.