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Journal Profile: Beverly Chasse, President and CEO, Chasse Consulting: Sales Strategies, Inc. In the African villages of Zambia, a country of plateaus and mountains dissected by river valleys and long inhabited by hunter-gatherers and migrating tribes, Beverly Chasse found the rest of her life.

There, women still practice witchcraft, AIDS/HIV and malaria plague babies, and most adults do not live past 40. But only joy radiates from children’s faces.

Chasse, president and CEO of Chasse Consulting: Sales Strategies Inc. felt a tug that she describes as her calling.

For three weeks, she visited orphanages and schools, participated in community development projects, and worked through issues of abuse, poverty, and disease with local women.

“I believe everyone has a purpose on earth, and mine is to help impoverished children,” Chasse says. “They don’t have a voice.”

In 2002, Chasse started the sales consulting company she runs today, which includes clients like IBM and Adobe. Employees are expected to volunteer 10 percent of their time toward humanitarian or community causes.

This is an abbreviated version of the original article. Originally published in Austin Business Journal by Jean Kwon.

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