Achieve Your Goals
With a tight budget and many conflicting priorities, leaders are challenged in strategically determining how and where to apply their training resources.
Even though there are budget constraints, it is critical – and it is expected – that your sales force remains appropriately trained. A training plan that details a clear 18-month path for new hires, existing reps, and those that are struggling is the only way to strategically allocate the time, money, and resources in a way that maintains your competitive edge and meet your strategic objectives.
Chasse Consulting develops and assists in the delivery of a comprehensive training strategy that will help you increase sales revenues, decrease your current cost to train, and improve your competitive advantage. Our training plan is customized to fit your needs, your culture, and your solutions.
At Chasse Consulting, we design a rigorous training program to enable our clients’ presenters to deliver impactful sessions by ensuring they have mastered both the content to be delivered and the required presentation delivery skills.
Presentation skills are only one component of effective delivery of content to an audience. Understanding the meaning of the content and keeping it in context for the region where it will be delivered are additional critical components. Chasse Consulting understands that knowledge transfer alone is not the answer. We ensure successful knowledge transfer by leveraging visualization, providing to an audience, not only audible but visual resources. We believe this accelerates knowledge retention and facilitates how the information is applied in the real world.
Companies hire Chasse Consulting to ensure that all presenters and facilitators clearly understand the content they are delivering and to ensure the presenters can effectively deliver the message in a way that is actionable for the audience.
Customers do not just purchase products; they buy solutions to solve a specific problem. Deploying a solutions-centric approach instead of a product-centric approach is a key differentiator in today’s competitive market. Which approach is your sales force using?
At Chasse Consulting, we analyze your products and translate them into specific customer solutions. We provide your sales team with training courses that teach them about your current solutions–how they work and why successful customers purchase them. We train your sales team how to integrate newly acquired solutions into their current selling strategy for a successful acquisition.
Solutions training helps your sales team learn how to speak their customers’ language, increasing the likelihood of capturing their customers’ attention and winning against the competition.
As a part of your sales team, your technical sales force is also the face of your organization. They must be equipped with up-to-date information about your product capabilities and differentiators and be able to effectively communicate clearly and concisely to your customers. One bad interaction with the customer can threaten the health of an account and impact your revenues and competitive edge. However, training your technical salesforce on your products and enabling them to speak about them appropriately in a sales situation can be a challenge.
Chasse Consulting understands this challenge and develops technical product training courses, available online or through face-to-face training. These courses are customized and easily accessible to your sales team. Created by technology experts in the industry, our technical product training courses ensure that your team can intelligently explain your products while also selling them effectively. So whether you are launching a new product, acquiring one or trying to reinvent an old one, Chasse can write the content for you, or we can use your content as a source for module development. And Chasse will deliver in the modality that is best for your organization – online, mobile, virtual or instructor-led.
To sell value, one needs to know and understand the customer’s world, challenges, and initiatives and customize the conversation and solution to address each of these. This becomes even more important when sellers are selling to executives.
The customer is at the core of both Enterprise Selling Methodology (ESM) and Persona Based Selling™. This is because no matter how great your solutions are, if you don’t truly understand your target audience, their critical business issues, their KPIs, and their influencers, you will be unable to differentiate yourself and your solutions from those of the competition. Enterprise Selling Methodology and Persona Based Selling™ programs are customized to enable reps to effectively engage in strategic conversations that will position them as a credible resource and a partner with the skills they need to design an impactful solution.
Current research reveals that prospective senior executives rate only 7% of the sales calls they take part in as “being worthy of a follow-up.” Behind this alarming statistic is the fact that the quality of the average sales conversation is poor, and many times the seller does not truly understand the person they are selling to.
Enterprise Selling Methodology and Persona Based Selling™ enable the seller to differentiate themselves by turning the conversation from a product-focused discussion to a persona-focused discussion. The focus of the conversation is on the concerns and critical business issues of the person behind the title and placing the seller in the prospect’s shoes. Our training enables sellers to confidently approach these personas and design a solution that truly meets their needs.